One of the biggest fears around starting intuitive eating is about weight. There is lots of information around weight, dieting, and health out there. So in this weeks episode we’re diving into what a variety of research studies say about weight and weight loss.
Note, I could have spent months reading through many more research articles. So this is not an all encompassing list of the research on this topic. Just a few I wanted to discuss with all of you to explore different research article on the topic of weight and intentional weight loss attempts.
Here’s the list of resources reviewed in creating this episode:
- Biology’s response to dieting: the impetus for weight regain
- Body mass index and all-cause mortality in older adults: A scoping review of observational studies
- Body-Weight Fluctuation Was Associated With Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease, All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Clinical problems caused by obesity
- Healthy lifestyle habits and mortality in overweight and obese individuals
- Long-term weight-loss maintenance: a meta-analysis of US studies
- Pathways from dieting to weight regain, to obesity and to the metabolic syndrome: an overview
- Recovery from weight regain among long-term weight loss maintainers in WW
- Relationships between intuitive eating and health indicators: literature review
- Mechanisms of Weight Regain following Weight Loss
- Maintenance of lost weight and long-term management of obesity
- Successful weight loss maintenance: A systematic review of weight control registries
- The Relationship Between Intuitive Eating and Postpartum Weight Loss
- The Effects of Exercise and Physical Activity on Weight Loss and Maintenance