HomeFood Freedom Coaching Application Food Freedom Coaching Application Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *What are your biggest challenges with food, exercise, and your body/body image? *What are your top 1-3 goals you'd like to achieve with food freedom coaching? *On a scale of 1-5 (with 1 being not at all ready and 5 being completely ready), how ready do you feel to change your relationship with food, exercise, and your body? Selected Value: 1 I understand that this coaching program is not a weight loss program or medical nutrition therapy *I understandHow did you first find Food Peace Nutrition?WebsiteInstagramPodcastReferralOtherFood Freedom Coaching with Ashley Brafman starts at $600 (paid in full or 2 payments of $300) for 4 sessions, $1,250 (paid in full or two payments of $625) for 10 sessions, or $2,400 (paid in full or 6 payments of $400) for 24 sessions plan. Are you in a place to make this financial commitment at this time? *YesNoAfter you submit your application and if you are a good fit, Ashley will reach out to you personally so you can set up a discovery call and chat more. In effort to abstain from having to charge for these calls, we want to reserve this time for people who are really ready to take this next step in coaching. We want to help empower people who are truly ready to heal their relationship with food and if you don't feel like that's you quite yet, we totally understand, but keep following our blog posts and subscribe to the email list for support. When you are truly ready, come back and apply to coaching . If you are relying on someone else to pay for group coaching (parent, spouse, etc.), have a conversation with them before submitting your application and make sure you have their support. Please note this program is not for someone who has an active eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia that requires inpatient treatment or care of an eating disorder treatment team. By submitting this form you will be subscribing to the Food Peace Nutrition email list. You can unsubscribe at any time. *I understandSubmit