
Table with a spread of a variety of fruits, vegetables, juice, cheese, crackers, meat, and bread. Photo credit to Pexels stock images

What is food neutrality and how it fits with intuitive eating

If you spend a day listening to how people talk about food you’ll hear the words good, bad, healthy, unhealthy, never foods, sometimes foods, and more. And for many people these descriptions create feeling of anxiety, guilt, shame, regret, and general discomfort about eating any of the bad foods. If you want to create a […]

What is food neutrality and how it fits with intuitive eating Read More »

infographic with the 9 positive body affirmations listen.

Positive Body Affirmations to Help Heal Your Body Image

If you struggle to accept your body or just want to keep growing self-love, positive affirmation can be an effective practice to help improve your body image.  Positive affirmations are phrases and statements you repeat to challenge negative thoughts and establish new positive thoughts.  But I want you to know that not all these affirmations

Positive Body Affirmations to Help Heal Your Body Image Read More »

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