Ashley Braun, MPH, RD

chess board with a piece with a crown

Shifting the focus to non-scale victories to heal your body image

Don’t want big accomplishments to feel good and celebrate your progress, especially when you’re working towards healing your relationship with food. At the beginning of my intuitive eating journey, it all felt very vague because I had shifted away from a weight goal. This led to embracing non-scale victories to bring more celebration and focus

Shifting the focus to non-scale victories to heal your body image Read More »

Love yourself written on mirror in lipstick

Intuitive Eating Affirmations from an Intuitive Eating Dietitian

Working on your beliefs is an important part of healing your relationship with food. Over years of dieting, you’ll have picked up a few unhelpful beliefs about food. Intuitive eating affirmations can help you adjust those beliefs over time to help you create food freedom. They’re a useful tool that can help you adopt beliefs

Intuitive Eating Affirmations from an Intuitive Eating Dietitian Read More »

Why am I still overeating? I’ve been doing intuitive eating for months

If you’ve been practicing intuitive eating for a while and find yourself still overeating, then this post is for you. Intuitive eating is not a quick fix, and unfortunately, you won’t fully heal your relationship with food overnight.  It took years to create the current relationship with food that you started your intuitive eating journey

Why am I still overeating? I’ve been doing intuitive eating for months Read More »

women laying down with hands covering face

How to stop emotional eating while learning intuitive eating?

One of the biggest challenges I had in healing my relationship with food was emotional eating. The unstructured approach and freedom that comes with intuitive eating can be overwhelming, especially for someone who is stuck in the habit of emotional eating. Here’s how to heal emotional eating while learning intuitive eating.  Common challenges with intuitive

How to stop emotional eating while learning intuitive eating? Read More »

diagram of the hunger fullness scale

Using the intuitive eating hunger fullness scale to break up with chronic dieting

If you’re like most people, you’ve tried at least 1 diet. By this point, it probably feels like hundreds of diets and weight loss attempts.  I remember first hearing about intuitive eating assuming it’d be like everything else. Another diet and “sustainable lifestyle change” I’d fail to make sustainable. Because even though I’m a registered dietitian,

Using the intuitive eating hunger fullness scale to break up with chronic dieting Read More »

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